Friday, September 27, 2013

Set a Goal for Musical Success

Set A Goal for Musical Success

You're embarking on a big musical journey!  As you get into the swing of Let's Play Music classes, especially if this is your first year, take a deep breath and focus on the long-term vision.   You can get to your destination by focusing on the right goals and remembering  what we're out to accomplish!

S: Sing While Playing: Your voice is your first instrument, and the easiest measure of how well you are audiating music (hearing music in your mind.)  When you sing in class and while your child plays the piano, it helps him feel confident that singing is not an embarrassing thing to do; it's so fun he'll join in!  Even if your long-term plans don't include voice, singing at this stage of training will make you and your child better musicians.  So sing while you play bells or piano!

E: Encourage: Your child probably wants to be on time to class, and he likely wants to get his homework and practicing done every week.  At such a tender age, he cannot hold up these commitments without your encouragement.  Show him that you want him to succeed by making homework a special time together, helping him remember to practice, and prompting to get shoes on with plenty of time to get to class.

T: Together: Eventually, you hope your child will rush to the piano every day because he finds joy in playing, practicing, and challenging himself.  But this is all very new and he doesn't have a history of success and pleasure with piano yet.  Right now, he practices because he trusts you and your judgement that this is a worthwhile effort.  He's giving it a try because he wants to bond with you.  So sit with him during the first few practices each week, snuggle with him during class, sing with him, play duets, and let him feel that playing piano is something that brings you closer together.  This will have more impact on his future perceptions of music lessons than the teacher's explanation about roots of chords!

A: Applaud: Remember when your child took his first steps?  You cheered and clapped!  He's trying things now that are tricky and sometimes scary.  He wants to know that you love him even when the notes he plays sound slow and sticky.  So applaud the successes, and even more importantly, applaud the efforts! "I loved hearing you play just now, because I could tell that you were struggling but did not give up, and I appreciate that! Way to go!"

G: Giggle: Children learn most effortlessly when things are fun and lighthearted (admit it: we adults learn best when we're excited and finding fun, too!).  Seize the opportunities to giggle and make the arduous tasks into silly games.  

O: Overcome Hard Things: When your child is confronted with challenging assignments, be prepared to list the many difficult challenges he has overcome: learning to walk, learning to brush his own teeth, going to school alone, skipping, riding a bike, etc.  "Now that these things are so easy for you, it's probably hard for you to remember that they used to be really tricky!  Playing today's chords is really hard, but I know you can overcome hard things when you want to... let's keep working on it and in a few weeks this will be so easy you will feel so proud to have stuck with it!'

A: Appreciate: Every child learns at a different pace, finds ease with different aspects of the music lesson, and masters the skills in his own way.  Your child longs to know that he is doing okay in your eyes, especially if his performance looks slightly different from another student or sibling.  Take time to appreciate how special your musician is and honor the experience he is having.  "I love when you play your songs so beautifully- it makes me happy to see you learning so much and having fun, too!  I want you to know that even when the songs don'tsound great, I love you.  I love you because you are YOU, and I would still love you even if you weren't a musician."  His sense of security will enhance his learning, whereas fear or threats tied to his musical experience might taint his future interest.

L: Laugh: Your child's first music lessons need to be joyful!  The attitude established in these 3 years is likely more important than the repertoire and theory amassed (although it will be impressive! and well-retained!).  As you SET A GOAL to embark on the Let's Play Music journey, keep in mind that this 3-year journey is the beginning of a lifelong journey into musicianship.  Help your child launch with joy and he'll have the steam to carry him for a lifetime.

-Gina Weibel, M.S.
Let's Play Music Teacher

Originally posted here:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Perfect Pitch vs. Relative Pitch, the Complete Musical Picture

I read an article last fall about the difference between perfect pitch and relative pitch and how they work together to give you the complete musical picture.  In Let's Play Music we work on singing on pitch from the very beginning, because research shows that young children can be taught to mimic pitch and with repetition, they become aware of the sound their own voice makes.
Perfect Pitch
"The hills are alive, with the sound of music!"  Let's Play Music t-shirt contest winners:  Traveling T-shirts have come home.

Traveling T-shirts Have Come Home

Traveling T-shirts Have Come Home

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why Let's Play Music is different than piano lessons

There are so many reasons why Let's Play Music is different than just starting in private piano lessons. Of course we always have so much fun in class and the fun continues at home with our original songs using music to teach music. We also are able to train children to be complete musicians, they learn to use their voices, tone bells, autoharp, and later piano to sing and play music. We also require parents to attend class with their child every other week the first year and once a month during years two and three. There is an awesome post on why we encourage parents to do music with their child and the the Making Musicians blog this week, check it out!

If you are interested in checking out a Sound Beginnings Class, the amazing pre-cursor to Let's Play Music and Kindergarten prep program for 2-4 year olds, come see Ms. Kim and Ms. Robin at the Loveland Public Library on Sept. 9 and 12 at 10am.  Bring your friends!

Here is a video showing a peek into Sound Beginnings:  Sound Beginnings Demo video

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why it is important to start music young

So excited to see all my Let's Play Music families again tonight at orientation.  I can't wait to share some of the awesome things your child will be learning this year.
Check this new research out, and see you tonight!
New Research

Friday, July 26, 2013

Music makes you smarter

Did you know...?  

Music stimulates the mind, encourages creativity and helps to lay a foundation for learning that leads to higher intelligence and aptitude.
Preschoolers who studied piano performed 34% better in spatial and temporal reasoning ability than preschoolers who spent the same amount of time learning to use computers (Rauscher & Shaw. As reported in Neurological Research, February 1997).
Preschoolers who took singing and keyboard lessons scored 80% higher on object-assembly tests than students at the same preschool who did not have the music lessons (Rauscher & Shaw. As reported in Symphony, Sept.-Oct. 1996).
Listening to Mozart’s Piano Sonata K448 was found to significantly increase spatial scores of college students on IQ tests
(Rauscher & Shaw. University of California as reported in Nature).
In a study of medical school applicants, 66% of the music majors who applied to medical school were admitted, the highest percentage of any group. Only 44% of the biochemistry majors were admitted (Lewis Thomas, as reported in the Phi Delta Kappan, February 1994).
The very best engineers and technical designers in the Silicon Valley industry are, nearly without exception, practicing musicians (Grant Venerable, The Center for the Arts in the Basic Curriculum, New York, 1989).
For the unborn child, classical music, played at a rhythm of 60 beats per minute, equivalent to that of a resting human heart, provides an environment conducive to creative and intellectual development (
Dr. Thomas Veert, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child).
In 1994, it was reported by the college entrance examination board that students with coursework in music performance taking the university entrance exam (SAT) scored 49 points higher on the verbal portion of the test and 36 points higher on the math portion than students with no course work or experience in the arts.
It has been shown that high school music students have higher grade point averages than non-music students do in the same school
(from Time Magazine June 11, 1999).
"It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the rest of musical perception." - Albert Einstein on his Theory of Relativity.
Plato once said " is a more potent instrument than any other for education..." Now scientists know why. Music, they believe, trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. After eight months of musical training, 3 year olds were expert puzzle masters, scoring 80% higher than their playmates did in spatial intelligence the ability to visualize the world accurately. This skill later translates into mathematical/conceptual and engineering skills.  
Music Lessons Make You Smarter! 

Click the registration link above to see which classes still have space for fall.  Sign up today!  

Monday, July 22, 2013

What music really teaches us

It has been a busy summer around Ms. Robin's Let's Play Music studio. I have taught oodles of classes, planned and prepped lots of lessons for fall, and learned so many new songs. I was blessed to attend 2 trainings in Utah and Arizona with lots of other Let's Play Music teachers from around the United States. I am so excited to share some of what I learned with all of you.
 I found this article fascinating about what music can help us learn, check it out!  Life Lessons: what music really teaches us.  

Ms. Robin was in Salt Lake City for training on a cloudy day in May.

In Mesa, AZ for Let's Play Music teacher's convention in June with some of our CO team!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Come try Let's Play Music and Sound Beginnings tomorrow!

Friday, June 21st at 9am and 10am there will be a Let's Play Music (4-6 years old to start) and Sound Beginnings (2-4 years to start, younger siblings can attend) sample class at my studio!
Come and check out these amazing programs taught by 2 Windsor teachers.
Let us know if you are coming and if you want to stay for both, we will have a snack in between.  Both classes will last approximately 30 minutes total with time for questions/registration afterwards.
Hope to see you there!
Ms. Robin and Ms. Kim

Check out the demo videos

Monday, May 27, 2013

FREE Sound Beginnings Sample Class!

I am so excited to announce there will be a free Sound Beginnings sample class at my studio on June 14 at 10am.  Sound Beginnings is the program using the same philosophies as Let's Play Music especially for 2-4 year olds.  It is unique in that one younger sibling may attend and the semesters are non sequential, meaning you can sign up for just the fall or just the spring semester.
The classes are fun, small group settings where children can learn about music and you will love seeing your child learn.  This is a perfect prep for Kindergarten and Let's Play Music.

Check it out here Sound Beginnings video

RSVP a spot for your child today!

Also, there will be 2 more Let's Play Music Sample Classes on this Friday, May 31st at 10am and 4pm, let me know if you would like to attend, there are just a few spaces open for incoming first year Let's Play Music Students, children begin between 4-6 years.
Have a Happy Summer!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Recital Fun!

What an amazing year I have had teaching Let's Play Music.  I am so blessed by GREAT families, super smart students, and a wonderful curriculum that bring so much joy.  We had a wonderful turn out at our recital last Friday evening, and here are a few photos of the fun decorations, yummy cake, and the Blue Bugs who graduated from Ms. Robin's studio.  Can't wait to teach you all again soon, have a wonderful summer!
 The Kit Kat Keyboard!
 We had the cutest decorations thanks to Mrs. Tippets!

 Blue Bugs 2013 - Let's Play Music Year 1
 1st years Ms. Robin's studio

Congratulations!  Now you are Green Turtle Shells, have a great break! 
:) Ms. Robin

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Video Contest "through the eyes of babes"

If you have ever wanted to see what a bunch of Sound Beginnings and Let's Play Music students look like when they are being silly, check out this video Ms. Robin submitted to LPM eyes of babes contest. I hope to win some instruments for our studio!  Enjoy the silliness and some clips of this past year.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Let's Play Music registration and materials

If you are interested in attending classes this fall, please consider registering this week as I will be ordering materials very soon.  I still have a few openings for first year students, and I have added a third class.  First year classes will be at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm on Thursdays.
If you are interested, click on the link above and choose your class time.  Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing many of you at the recital on April 26th!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Where in the world is Ms. Robin?

If you know of anyone who would like to try Let's Play Music, now is a great time to catch a FREE sample class.  Here are a few places I will be!

Friday, February 22 10:00am at the Windsor/Severance Library

Monday, February 25 10:00am and 4:00pm at my studio located in Belmont Ridge subdivision near the intersection of I-25 and Crossroads Blvd.  Call or e mail me to reserve a spot.

Monday and Tuesday, March 4 and 5 11:30am at RCS Preschool, Loveland, CO

Monday and Thursday, March 11 and 14 at the Loveland Public Library

If none of these times work for you, contact me about observing a free class in my studio or let me know if you want to arrange a class with a few friends.

Looking forward to sharing the love of MUSIC with you soon!  :) Ms. Robin

Monday, February 18, 2013

Parents, we love you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Music Opportunities

So many adults wish that they had learned to play a musical instrument or to read music.  Give your child the gift of music!  It is a gift with endless value.
Here is a local opportunity for music involvement:  Musical Zoo is an annual event that is this Sunday, Feb. 17 from 2:30-5:00pm at Timberline Church in Fort Collins, CO.  This low cost event is a wonderful experience for the whole family.  My own 3 children attended last year at ages 1, 3, and 5 years old and they have been talking about it ever since.  More information at this link.

Here is a great article about the benefits of music education.  Music can help your children do better in math, reading, and so many other subjects.

I am doing 2 FREE sample classes in my studio on Feb. 25th at 10am and 4pm.  Let me know if I can reserve a space for your child.  Fall registration is going on now, just click on the tab above to choose your class time for next year.  If you would be interested in Summer Camp or need a class time that is not offered, let me know.  If the waiting list is long enough, I may open an additional class.

Hope to see many of you at Musical Zoo on Sunday, if you are a current student, don't forget to wear your red shirt to save $5 off registration.

Joy!  Ms. Robin

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Registration open for new students Fall 2013

I am excited to announce registration for Fall 2013 Let's Play Music is now open.  If you are interested in enrolling your 4 or 5 year old in a first year class, please click on the registration link above.
If you would like to attend a free sample class, please contact me for dates, times, and locations for this month.  Looking forward to singing with you soon!  Ms. Robin

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Registration for fall of 2013 begins!

I am very excited to announce that registration for my current students and siblings is now open! Please feel free to click on the link above and select your preferred class time for next fall. Registration is filled on a first come first serve basis, so if you have a sticky schedule, you may want to jump on it! Registration will open to my waiting list and then the general public in February, so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed some family time filled with lots of music!  Now it is time to break out the new songs and have some fun in Blue Bugs!  Our second semester of Let's Play Music is called Blue Bugs and we have lots of fun with our new bug rhythms!  Make sure to clap the bug chant at home with your kids and use opportunities for teachable moments when they arise.  "Hey, is that a butterfly?  How would you clap But-ter-fly? "
" Ooo, look, The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, can you clap ca-ter-pil-lar?"
In looking ahead for next year, encourage any interest in keyboard/piano playing!  Most of our LPM songs and lots of nursery rhymes (twinkle, twinkle, old macdonald, etc.) have very simple melodies and lots of familiar patterns the kids can tap out on their tone bells or on piano.
Encourage them to look for -mi-re-do, sol-sol-do, and sol-la-ti-do's in music.
I had so much fun teaching this past week and look forward to seeing everyone again this week for more great classes and lots of FUN!
In this cold and flu season, I really appreciate everyone being mindful of keeping others from getting sick and containing the germs when possible.  I am setting a bottle of hand sanitizer at the entrance and as you enter for class, please remember to wash hands either with soap and water or with sanitizer to prevent the spread of germs and keep instruments clean, THANKS!