Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed some family time filled with lots of music!  Now it is time to break out the new songs and have some fun in Blue Bugs!  Our second semester of Let's Play Music is called Blue Bugs and we have lots of fun with our new bug rhythms!  Make sure to clap the bug chant at home with your kids and use opportunities for teachable moments when they arise.  "Hey, is that a butterfly?  How would you clap But-ter-fly? "
" Ooo, look, The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, can you clap ca-ter-pil-lar?"
In looking ahead for next year, encourage any interest in keyboard/piano playing!  Most of our LPM songs and lots of nursery rhymes (twinkle, twinkle, old macdonald, etc.) have very simple melodies and lots of familiar patterns the kids can tap out on their tone bells or on piano.
Encourage them to look for -mi-re-do, sol-sol-do, and sol-la-ti-do's in music.
I had so much fun teaching this past week and look forward to seeing everyone again this week for more great classes and lots of FUN!
In this cold and flu season, I really appreciate everyone being mindful of keeping others from getting sick and containing the germs when possible.  I am setting a bottle of hand sanitizer at the entrance and as you enter for class, please remember to wash hands either with soap and water or with sanitizer to prevent the spread of germs and keep instruments clean, THANKS!

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